Arwen the Mongrel Collie

AKA Piddle Pants, Scamp, Scabbers, Scrat

Though named for a High Elf, Arwen is actually much more at home in the forest

Though named for a High Elf, Arwen is actually much more at home in the forest


You’ll hear her coming

Arwen is now the only pack member from the Lord of the Rings imaginarium since Frodo retired to a life of luxury.

She is our own personal dog. She is a Border/Bearded Collie mix and has the energy that both breeds are famous for and the startings of a long hairy chin. She doesn’t mind though, she’s very proud of her working dog background.

Her first love was Marshall and has learned so much from watching him, but she is starting to interact with the other dogs more to learn what it means to be a dog and not “just” a Collie. The beagles taught her to sniff. The Labs taught her to zoom. Molly taught her the true value of sticks. She’s a true product of the melting pot of the Waggle Bums Pack

10/10 - Good Girl

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